

Persönlich. Langfristig. Fair.

Seit fast 20 Jahren beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Handel und der Weiterverarbeitung von Aluminium. Unser Gründer Tim Meinks ist Experte auf den Gebieten Aluminiumhandel und -umarbeitung. Wir verfügen über Fachwissen im Handel, in der Aufbereitung, der Analyse und im Kommissionieren von Aluminiumschrotten. Durch gute Vernetzung innerhalb der Branche von Schrotthändlern, Gießereien und Unternehmen sind wir in der Lage Lieferungen flexibel, schnell und zuverlässig abzuwickeln. Wir sind an langfristigen Geschäftsbeziehungen interessiert und das wissen unsere Kunden und Lieferanten zu schätzen.

Ihr Ansprechpartner:


Richtiges Recycling als nachhaltige Strategie

Die deutsche Aluminiumrecyclingindustrie gehört in Europa mit rund 700.000 Tonnen zu den Spitzenreitern und dass mit teils über 90% Recyclingquoten und einer äußerst energie- und ressourcenschonenden Wiederaufbereitung. Dafür stehen wir ein:

Environmental and economic benefits
In order to achieve aluminium recycling that is as efficient as possible, it is crucial to understand the requirements and...

In order to achieve aluminium recycling that is as efficient as possible, it is crucial to understand the requirements and compositions of the various alloys. Thanks to our expertise in this area, we are a key partner for scrap traders and foundries across Europe. This material knowledge puts us in a position to pay our traders the best prices. We understand requirements and can thus achieve an efficient process when it comes to aluminium trading and recycling. Our mission: we want to ensure that fewer materials get lost during the recycling process. Often, the quantity of recycled materials that can actually be reused is much lower as high losses are incurred due to poor recycling. Even if materials cannot be 100% recycled, aluminium recycling can be significantly optimised by focussing more on alloys.

Efficient aluminium recycling
In order to achieve aluminium recycling that is as efficient as possible, it is crucial to understand the requirements and...

In order to achieve aluminium recycling that is as efficient as possible, it is crucial to understand the requirements and compositions of the various alloys. Thanks to our expertise in this area, we are a key partner for scrap traders and foundries across Europe. This material knowledge puts us in a position to pay our traders the best prices. We understand requirements and can thus achieve an efficient process when it comes to aluminium trading and recycling. Our mission: we want to ensure that fewer materials get lost during the recycling process. Often, the quantity of recycled materials that can actually be reused is much lower as high losses are incurred due to poor recycling. Even if materials cannot be 100% recycled, aluminium recycling can be significantly optimised by focussing more on alloys.

Better environmental footprint
Compared to exploiting new materials, aluminium recycling is far less harmful to the environment. Aluminium can be fully recycled. Every single step...

Compared to exploiting new materials, aluminium recycling is far less harmful to the environment. Aluminium can be fully recycled. Every single step during the mining and production of aluminium has a detrimental environmental impact. Large quantities of bauxite are mined in Australia, China and Guinea. However, raw materials for aluminium are also mined in Brasil, India, Indonesia and Jamaica, where jungles and rainforests are often deforested to obtain bauxite. The ore is then heated with sodium hydroxide to create the waste product, red mud, and naturally aluminium oxide, which is then converted into pure aluminium using an energy-consuming electrolysis process. On average, around 15,700 kWh of electrical energy is required to produce one tonne of primary aluminium. This can all be saved if we focus on recycling. This not only protects the rainforests but also significantly reduces energy consumption. According to the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), global aluminium production is responsible for around 1% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.