

We deliver aluminium alloys in single-variety and proven quality.


TMR Recycling delivers analysed and tested aluminium alloys, prepared according to your requirements (cut, packaged or as ingots). For almost 20 years, we have been a partner for smelting plants and foundries when it comes to single-variety aluminium scrap and are therefore familiar with the high quality standards. We respond to enquiries quickly, flexibly and tailored to your raw material requirements.

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The TMR promise

Reduce your carbon footprint and costs with post-consumer ingots and the use of chips and scrap. We support you with our network and know-how.
We improve your supply situation by providing proven materials from a large European-wide network. 

Are you a smelting plant and produce ingots or have skimmings? We support you with your marketing.

Cooperative. Long-term. Fair.

As an aluminium specialist with many years of experience, we understand the quality standards of smelting plants. We are familiar...

As an aluminium specialist with many years of experience, we understand the quality standards of smelting plants. We are familiar with the particularities of each material and the respective difficulty in quality grading.  

We check the properties, composition and alloy beforehand for its possible applications and offer suitable materials based on this.

Security of supply
We offer both wrought and silicon-based alloys. 

Thanks to an excellent European network, we have access to a wide range of...

We offer both wrought and silicon-based alloys. 

Thanks to an excellent European network, we have access to a wide range of materials.

We select your alloys in advance and discuss their potential or required processing steps with you (pressing, cutting, smelting). 

Quick response times to changes in production situations are a matter of course for us. 


We offer an entire range of alloys from 1xxx - 8xxx as well as silicon-based alloys.

We help you to market...

We offer an entire range of alloys from 1xxx - 8xxx as well as silicon-based alloys.

We help you to market your ingots - simply offer them to us. 

Through professional hedging of metal risks, we offer a number of fixation possibilities. 

We deliver reliably and on time thanks to a large network of transport companies.

We offer market-friendly payment terms.


Top quality standards and flexible delivery and lead times

Consider us your reliable supplier and get in touch with us. All aluminium alloys are received as scrap, chips or ingots. We can deliver according to both standard and special requirements.